
How changing forcing (solar, volcanic, ...)?

In order to make scenarios over the last 2000 years and the next 1000 years, it is necessary to replace the files in the directory scenario and to modify namelist-ecbilt.

To get the files, you should contact Hugues Goosse (hgs@astr.ucl.ac.be)


How installing the code on a different machine?

  • LOVECLIM has been successfully installed on a Sun V40z Quad-Opteron 2.4GHz/8GB RAM Linux SLES9 x86_64 with a Fortran Compiler for Intel(R) EM64T-based applications, Version 9.0. The compilation options (make.macros) should be:
FFLAGS = -zero -vec_report0 -static -O3 -ipo -i4 -r8 -cpp -I./sources -convert big_endian -assume byterecl -align dcommon -extend_source ${EXTRAFFLAGS}

Warning: the bug concerning lcdfmon and lcdfann should be fixed to use these options.


How switching to LGM conditions?

In order to switch to LGM conditions, it is necessary to

1/Modify the orbital parameters in atmphys0.f in the directory ecbilt/sources

2/ Modify the greenhouse gas concentrations : GHG.dat in the directory scenario/B1

3/ Modify the topography: berg.dat in ecbilt/inputdata

4/ If needed, it is also possible to change the river runoff and the land/sea mask: bath.om and mozaic.w in clio/inputdata, fractoc.dat and labas.dat in ecbilt_clio/inputdata.

It is also necessary to modify the albedo over the ice sheets (VECODE is not doing that alone).

To get the files, you should contact Nane Weber (weber@knmi.nl)


How changing the topography?

In order to change the topography in LOVECLIM, replace the variable agg1 in atmdyn0.f by the new field.

Rem: rmount is the elevation variable for thermodynamics only.


How installing LOCH?

In order to include LOCH,

1/ Replace the loch empty sources in ~/LOVECLIM1/loch/sources/

2/ Set the LOCH flag to T in emic.param

3/ Change the freshwater flux correction in namelist-ecbilt as follow:


corAN = -0.1d0

corPN = 1.0d0

corAC = -0.5d0

corID = 0.0d0

corAS = -0.1d0

corPS = 0.d0

corAA = 0.d0


5/ Copy the LOCH restart files into ic001000/

In order to get the LOCH files, you should first contact A. Mouchet (A.Mouchet@ulg.ac.be).


How installing AGISM?

In order to include AGISM,

1/ Replace the AGISM empty sources in ~/LOVECLIM1/ism/sources/

2/ Set the AISM and GISM flags to T in emic.param. AISM and GISM should not be activated separately.

3/ Copy the AGISM restart files into ic001000/

4/ The first year of integration should be 1500 otherwise, contact P. Huybrechts (phuybrec@vub.ac.be) to know how proceeding.

In order to get the AGISM files, you should first contact P. Huybrechts (phuybrec@vub.ac.be).


Bug fixes

  • From Didier Roche (Didier.Roche@falw.vu.nl) (April 1, 2009)
In ecbilt/initial0.f


write(iuo+30, 900) 'facttsi =', facttsi
write(iuo+30, 910) 'facttsi =', facttsi


write(iuo+30, 900) 'bup =', bup
write(iuo+30, 910) 'bup =', bup

In clio/inforun.f -> line 428

At this stage, k has not been defined yet. Its value appears to be 21, i.e. out of array!


vv2 = 0.5 * (v(ii,jj,k)+v(ii+1,jj,k))
& + viso(ii,jj,k)
vv2 = 0.5 * (v(ii,jj,ks2)+v(ii+1,jj,ks2))
& + viso(ii,jj,ks2)

  • From Didier Roche (Didier.Roche@falw.vu.nl)
The bug fix from H. Goelzer can also be written in the following way:

  • From Hugues Goosse (hgs@astr.ucl.ac.be) and Pierre-Yves Barriat
In ecbilt/atmphys0.f -> line 1335 -> definition of evfacan

you should replace:


  • From Heiko Goelzer (heiko.goelzer@vub.ac.be)
There is a missing loop in vecode/veget.f

You should replace

c bmoism(i,j)=bmoisg(i,j)

c rs(i,j)=0.


do i=1,nlat
do j=1,nlon

Expected impact : potentially a few tenth of degree on the surface temperature.

  • From Marie-France Loutre (marie-france.loutre@uclouvain.be). (No impact on results - post-processing only)
Post-processing of the outputs - computation of seasonal mean.

The routine 'moy_sais.f' has been modified (see ~loutre/LOVECLIM1.1/wkdir/atlas/src/moy_sais.f). No effect on annual and monthly mean.

  • From Didier Roche (Didier.Roche@falw.vu.nl). (No impact on results)
In order to get a netcdf output of CLIO, it is better to add the two following lines starting on line 182 of outnet.f :

& lamuice, lamvice, lamtx, lamty, lammoc, lammht, lammst,

& lcdfmon, lcdfann

first of the two is replacing line 182.

  • From Emmanuelle Driesschaert (driess@astr.ucl.ac.be). (No impact on results)
ncidm and ncida should be added in the "icdfout" common in outnet.f:

line (in subroutines "outnet" and ":prep_out")

& IAtx, IAty, IAmoc, IAmht, IAmst, iAtimrec

should be replaced by:

& IAtx, IAty, IAmoc, IAmht, IAmst, iAtimrec,ncidm,ncida

  • From Emmanuelle Driesschaert (driess@astr.ucl.ac.be) (07/07/2006). (No impact on results)
In order to have non-zero values in NetCDF files for moc, mht and mst,

the arrays at the end of streamfunc.f shoud not be re-initialized (l 278-290):

c re-initialize arrays

c do nb=0,nbsmax

c do j=1,jmtt

c do k=1,kmtt

c uuu(j,k,nb) = 0.0

c enddo

c enddo

c enddo

c do nb=0,nbsmax+4

c do j=1,jmtt

c vvv(j,nb) = 0.0

c enddo

c enddo

  • From Emmanuelle Driesschaert (driess@astr.ucl.ac.be) (16/08/2006). (Very small impact on results)

In order to get the right initialization of albedo when vegetation is interactive (VECODE), you can download the corrected routines.

  • From Emmanuelle Driesschaert (driess@astr.ucl.ac.be) (25/08/2006). (Causes a creash of the model after yr-2100 if the climate forcings are activated)

In atmphys0.f, replace line 643 :

if (indxtsi.gt.2001) indxtsi=2001


if (indxvol.gt.2001) indxvol=2001

  • From Emmanuelle Driesschaert (driess@astr.ucl.ac.be) (15/02/07). (No impact on results)
maxmrecs and maxarecs should be added in the "icdfout" common in outnet.f and also be defined as integer:

line 131 (in subroutines "outnet.f")

& IAtx, IAty, IAmoc, IAmht, IAmst, iAtimrec

should be replaced by:

& IAtx, IAty, IAmoc, IAmht, IAmst, iAtimrec,maxmrecs,maxarecs

line 150 (in subroutines "outnet.f")

& IAtx, IAty, IAmoc, IAmht, IAmst, iAtimrec,ncidm,ncida

should be replaced by:

& IAtx, IAty, IAmoc, IAmht, IAmst, iAtimrec,ncidm,ncida,maxmrecs,

& maxarecs