Kristof Van Oost


Home Curriculum vitae Research



Soil Landscape Systems

 The research group contributes to a proces-based understanding of Soil Landscape Systems using environmental nucleides, isotope biogeochemistry and modelling tools. Much of our work involves modelling with an emphasis on geographical aspects and scale issues.



Research Interests:

* The role of sediment transport in carbon and nutrient cycling across landscapes

* Soil spectroscopy

* Low-altitude aerial imaging

* Soil Landscape Evolution modelling


We contribute to the following research consortia:

SOGLO: Soils under Global Change

ARC: Regional scale assessment of soil organic carbon dynamics

FRFC: Soil organic matter stabilization


Staff members:

Prof Dr K Van Oost

Dr: Zhengang Wang, Elisabet Nadeu

Phd: Samuel Bouchoms, Emilien Aldana-Jague, Sylvain Trigalet, François Clapuyt, Carole Noon

Alumni: Dr Sebastian Doetterl (University of Augsburg), Dr François Wiaux (Boutique des Sciences), Msc Marie Mahieu (TUCrail), Dr Verena Dugloss (University of Cologne), Victoria Naipal (MPI Hamburg)


Recent papers:

  • Wang Z, Van Oost, K., Govers G. 2015 Predicting the long-term fate of buried organic carbon in colluvial soils. Global Biogeochemical Cycles DOI: 10.1002/2014GB004912.
  • Wiaux F et al. 2014. Factors controlling soil organic carbon persistence along an eroding hillslope on the loess belt. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 77: 187-196. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.05.032
  • Van Oost et al., 2012, PNASLegacy of human-induced C erosion and burial on soil–atmosphere C exchange.
  • Doetter et al., 2012. Soil organic carbon assessment at high vertical resolution using closed-tube sampling and Vis-NIR spectroscopy. SSSAJ 10.2136/sssaj2012.0410n
please drop me an email if you want a pdf or visit my site.


  • UAV-based spectroscopy on Broadbalk experiment, Rothamsted (UK), download poster



Tillage Erosion Map products


Prof Dr K Van Oost

FNRS Research Associate
Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 Earth and Life Institute (ELI)
Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research (TECLIM)
3, Place Louis Pasteur
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Tel: +32-10-472866
Fax: +32-10-472877


Earth & Climate

Sciences and Technology


Place Louis Pasteur 3, mailbox L4.03.08,
1348, Louvain-la-Neuve